Donor 12841

My wife and I are looking at purchasing vials from Donor 12841. Is anyone pregnant from this donor?


  • Hi, Did you end up using this donor? We are thinking of using him, any update would be appreciated!
  • Hello,

    Not sure if your still looking but we may have some extras in the future (1-2 yrs)

    My wife and I just started this process, but we stored up on this donor.

    I figured why not keep on touch, in case we are left with some and you are still waiting to try to get pregnant.
  • Hi,
    I'm not sure where you are with your journey. Maybe you're well on your way or already welcomed a little one.
    This is the donor I used, and after 3 IUI, I am now 5 weeks. It's my first pregnancy.

    Very best of luck to you.
  • clpitbulls, not sure if you have extra vials of this donor, but if you do, I would be interested in buying them. I have a few left to try for baby #2, but I'm a little nervous it will take more tries than I have samples.

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