Has anyone used 12715 as a donor and are there any known pregnancies? He has a mixture of enthnicities of both myself and my partner and we think he would be the best fit for us.

Any information would be greatly appreciated!



  • Yep, more than 5 pregnancies. We were looking for a mix of ethnicities as well; we just tried our first IUI with this donor (4 IUIs with a previous donor). Crossing our fingers. Good luck to you!
  • @ muldl1 - oooh how exciting! Best of luck to you and your partner. I would love to see how your IUI is progressing. I'm hoping we may be able to try by the end of December. Positivity and baby dust to you! :)
  • Hey Teex,

    We've tried this guy 3 times now with IUI, I think. We are in another TWW and are crossing our fingers that this one takes before we move to IVF. How'd it go on your end? Did you do IUI in December?
  • My partner and I are thinking about using this donor. Anyone had success using him?
  • @ muldl1 - I had to do a D&C and cycle with BCs for awhile to regulate my period. First IUI (a cluster of stress and meds) didn't take but as of yesterday we are on our second round of IUI and now for the dreaded TWW. LOL! If I counted correctly you should be out of your TWW. Baby dust for a BFP for you! Any updates?

    @d.m.latham - still waiting ... :)
  • My Partner and I are using him for our first round of IUI tomorrow morning!!! fingers crossed!!!
  • @lathamwrenn - Lots and Lots of Baby Dust to you!!
  • hey guys ... day 12 post iui ... used a first response HPT showed a slight second line. Took a clearblue digital test today day 13 post iui ... says we're pregnant. Hoping to schedule a doctor's visit some time next week! Baby dust to you all!!
  • @Teex - congrats to you guys!!!!!!!!

    Our first IUI with this donor was unsuccessful :( but I triggered today and IUI #2 tomorrow morning!
  • Nice, Teex!!! Congrats! That's awesome!!!
    We didn't have any success via IUI so we are moving on to IVF. Starting stims on Friday, so we should know by mid-july, for sure. Baby dust for all!!!
  • Thanks guys! Pregnancy confirmed we're almost 8 weeks at the end of this week. Baby Dust to you all. Staying and sending positive vibes to you! :)
  • This is so awesome, I am happy for you and yours Teex!! I will have my first IUI on or around the 8th of July! I am so excited. His oldest pic got me hooked, he is a cutie and his family has an excellent educational background. Perhaps your bun in the oven will have another sibling very soon. Please keep us posted.
  • Back to report- BFP with IVF! It's still early (almost 5 weeks) but we are so happy! Baby dust to everyone using this donor!
  • Congrats to you!! Tomorrow afternoon I go for IUI number two! Wish us luck!
  • Shawneka- how'd it go???
  • Congrats to all the ladies using this donor who have had success!!! For those who haven't - don't give up!! We had no luck on second IUI, so we took a mini mental break for rest of the summer and are moving to IVF in Dec/Jan!!
  • Hi Ladies!! Muld, Teex, how are your pregnancies going!! I hope to be in the same boat as you ladies in the near future so you will have one more distant family here in Ohio!

    Ahh, I just sighed relief!! I have been watching the vials go down and I have been buying them up because they are going down. I bought 3 two days ag and I was expecting to see 12 remaining when I just logged in. Instead, he has gone up to 21, thats great news for us all!

    Status on me, I have completed 3 rounds of IUI and all have not been successful. I just picked up my prescription for clomid yesterday, I will start them on Monday.

    I stopped working out a couple of months ago, there just didnt seem to be enough hours in the days. My partner is 37 weeks pregnant and I have been working very long hours trying to clear my plate for being in and out of the office for a month or so. As of yesterday she is now 3 centimeters so they tell us she probably wont go the full duration!

    Our hope is that she will get pregnant one more time after this one with 12715 so we can have two children (hers & mine) that bridge our family together! Really glad to see 12715 vials go back up
  • To clear that up, I mentioned working out because I am going to start back tonight, I need to do everything I can to increase my chances of conceiving.
    I brought up my partner having one more because the girl she is pregnant with is not 12715 or an anonymous donor at all.
    Have a great day and a great weekend!
  • Shawneka- good luck to you! I think working out really helped my partner get pregnant...well, that and the hysteroscopy. If it can help, might as well do it!
    My partner is the one who is pregnant and she's doing great! Quite a breezy pregnancy, actually, which was concerning at first. But, we are at 13w5d, so I'm hoping we are in the clear. Plus, we've seen him/her three times on U/S now and s/he has a strong heartbeat, which is reassuring.
    I had been watching the vials too and was freaking out a little bit. Since he's in school, he could drop out of the program at any time. Disconcerting. We have half a vial left at our RE's but that's it.
    Good luck with the birth of your little one! How wonderful! Incidentally, we are in central PA, so relatively close to Ohio :)
  • Oh so cool that you guys are in central PA. That's good news and I'm sure very reassuring for both of you that all is well with the little one. Its so exciting. If I read correctly, seems like your partner had minimal morning sickness? If so, then I will take a guess that you guys are having a boy!
    I had my 4th insemination yesterday morning, this was my 1st stab at chlomid. Eating with my pregnant wifey has taken its toll on me. Started back working out this weekend, feels so good, every time I start back, I wonder why I stopped.
  • That's pretty neat you and your partner are in central PA.
    Do you and your partner want to try having more children?
    On Saturday I went for my 4th IUI with the assist of chlomid for the first time, fingers crossed!

    Teex, are you there? How are you?
  • Hi all... So far so good for my partner and our little bundle still baking in the oven. We have 11 weeks to go and the doc says everything seems to be going well... Lots of baby dust guys to you all.
  • Hi all... So far so good for my partner and our little bundle still baking in the oven. We have 11 weeks to go and the doc says everything seems to be going well... Lots of baby dust guys to you all.
  • Hi ladies … good evening! So far so good with my partner and I and our bundle of joy thats now due in 11 weeks. Doc says he's doing well and we're excited for his arrival.

    We have 1 vial stored but may invest in 1 or 2 more just in case so that my partner can have children that are 1/2 siblings to my own.

    Lots of luck and baby dust to you all!

    love, light and abundance your way!

  • Update::My partner and I just found out I am pregnant after IVF#1 with this donor!!! Woohoo!! It took us two failed IUIs before we moved on to IVF. Hoping the best for everyone!
  • Update::My partner and I just found out I am pregnant after IVF#1 with this donor!!! Woohoo!! It took us two failed IUIs before we moved on to IVF. Hoping the best for everyone!
  • I am glad to have discussions about donor 12715. The baby was born in December 2013 and is 5 months now. She is very strong, actively, lovely and beautiful. We live in Maryland. We are looking for more vials from this donor but they are not available anymore. Maybe he reaches the maximum allowable children already, LOL.
  • Hi Ladies its been awhile but i found our thread, if you ladies are still around, tell me how are things with your little ones?

    Im 5 weeks preggo from my first IVF with 12715. Hope all is well.

    Feel free to FB message me Shawnte' V. Thompson
  • Shawneka,

    How 's everything? Our IVF pregnancy ended in miscarriage at 6 weeks, nothing donor related. After taking the summer off (we were really bummed of course) starting second IVF this week, hoping for better outcome this time.
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