progesterone levels?

what are normal progesterone levels? mine was 20 today and my doctor wants me on a progesterone suppository ??? is that normal?


  • I think normal is over 15. Mine was 17, and my doctor told me I didn't need progesterone. Hope that helps.
  • It depends when in your cycle you're talking about. My RE has me start suppositories the day after IUI no matter what because of the meds used before the cycle. They do check progesterone levels a week after IUI and again 2 weeks after IUI. At the one week check they told me anything over 10 is good. If the IUI wasn't successful at the 2 week check it will be very low as you get ready for your period.

    I hope that helps. Like I said, a lot of RE's will use suppositories with any medicated IUI cycle.
  • thanks ladies... my RE called me an convinced me to start the progesterone suppositories..I didn't feel like I needed it but rather do it than worry... they're 200 mg I just get worried .. can a person have to much progesterone during pregnancy?
  • I don't think you need to worry about too much progesterone. I think your body will absorb what it needs and just won't absorb the rest. I am using the suppositories twice a day and as far as I know have never had a problem with my progesterone levels. And my levels have been perfect each cycle so far. I don't think it can hurt to use them.
  • I am probably jumping in a little late but I have been using the suppositories since 4 dpiui. I do them once a day at night and becky is right. Your body will use what it needs and discard the rest. As TMI as this may be, it would be wise to invest in some pantyliners while you're taking them. Mine are 400 mg and at my check last week my level was 55. Today i got a BFP and they told me to keep taking them because this is what helps your body to sustain the pregnancy. I will be on these until 12 weeks. HTH and good luck to you!!
  • txrunnergirl not late at all! I just used my first one last night and I feel good") I'm 6 weeks today and I just want the baby too continue growing healthy so I think its best... becky1141 txrunnergirl thank you ladies I feel a lot better hearing your inputs .. puts my anxiety at ease.. with my last lil one I didn't have these issues so its all very new too me but I'll do anything not to miscarry.
  • That's what we're here for! The best of luck to you tluvb08 and congratulations txrunnergirl! I'm hoping for that positive April 22.
  • good luck tluv and keep us posted!

    thanks becky! sending postive thoughts your way for april 22! keep us posted also!!
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