iui for the 3rd time

well ladies im going to try iui for the 3rd time they say the 3rd time is a charm


  • Was the 3rd time a charm? 4th time was the charm for us... ;)
  • i had my iui feb 17 2010 im in the 2week wait i hope it was a charm
  • sending prayers your way!
  • Hope all went well.......
  • i just dont understand it failed again the 3rd time im woundering if its me the donor sperm are the doing it wrong what
  • How many vials to you use each time around?
  • We tried the same donor for 3 IUIs a friend & her partner told us we should try a new donor after 3-4 tries without a pregnancy that sometimes there is just not a match between the sperm & eggs & they got pregnant with the 1st try on their 3rd donor! We have used #11485 the first 3 times and have now decided to pick a new donor as we are running out of funds to keep trying much longer. Hopefully IUI #4 is the charm for us as well as you!
  • I was reading your post and just wanted to share my exp with Donor 11485. We succeded after 2 trys. We have a beautiful 7 month old baby boy now. Keep trying Ladies it will all work out. :)
  • Congratulations baia10 a baby boy is So Awesome, what a blessing! we have decided for sure to switch donors but my partner & I cant decide between 3 (3800 - 5648 - 11684)because we had our hearts set on 11485. However if switching donors will help us get the family we so badly want, we will do it. We have taken the last 2 months off because honestly I was having a really hard time with the IUIs not working & emotionally needed a break. We are going for our 4th try in May right after my 37th Birthday on May 4th so I will be asking the Goddess for all her blessings & Baby dust. Please keep us up to date on your 4th try. And I will do the same.
  • my doctor said that it is important to consider if they have had pregnancies or not. although they test the sperm it is an important element. last week I went on my 3rd try IUI. and believe me in understand the whole running out of funds. it is very expensive.

  • hello ladies. I have been reading this post and I am also getting ready for my 3rd IUI. I am starting to feel the emotion strain of this whole process. I pray that god blesses me this time. Any suggestion on how to deal with the emotional rollocoster this process adds? I can use any suggestions...
  • Hello everyone........I, too, understand the emotional rollercoaster of this process.........My partner and I are going for our 3rd IUI next week and I am praying it will take this time. My first IUI I could have sworn I was prego because I was having the sore BBs, mood swings, and very tired but when AF arrived, it almost took my breath away with emotions. We want this so badly and are really hoping that we will be blessed with a baby this time!! I am sending out baby dust to all of us that are continuing to try!! Good luck!
  • don't lose faith........visualize the baby. that is what keeps me going. I had my 3rd IUI last week. Now I am just waiting. I think this process is very difficult for the couple because it is so emotionally draining as well as a fiancial strain. But I know in my heart it will happen. This is what we all have to think and feel in our hearts. we must remain positive not lose faith and trust that someone bigger and more powerful than us knows what is best for us and will always protect us.
  • We are now going to try IVF after 10 tries:(.
  • @tmg@uakron.edu - if you don't mind me asking how do you keep the momentum going?
  • CSSCSS Posts: 161
    Some questions come to mind:

    Did you do medicated cycles? I did four unmedicated IUIs and no go. Just tried my first medicated (pills, injectibles, progesterone) and I feel much more confident about it. Will know for sure in two weeks, but I definitely think it helps to give nature a boost.

    Have you had any testing to eliminate obstacles? I did a saline ultrasound (which I recommend, as does my RE, over an HSG, which can be very painful) and the results were normal. Good to know and makes it easier to move forward.

    How do you like your doctor? I think that can make a big difference. I was going to a clinic that didn't offer much expertise and I began to feel quite pessimistic. Now I have a great RE and she's very inspiring.

    Just some food for thought...

    Hang in there,
  • It is hard to keep the faith and the momentum but we look at the final outcome and hopefully it will be the most anticiipated joy we will ever experience!! We have fantastic friends and families that are always there for us to pick us up when needed. A lot of prayer!!!
  • Honestlyafter our 3rd IUI & still not pregnant I was feeling very negitive & emotionally I just needed a break So we took 2 months off (after our 1st round with clomid/3rd IUI) And my body went NUTS, I have not had a real period in almost 3months! I went in week before last on what I thought was day 5 of my cycle & my Dr. said that I was ovulating NOW (a week early)& my folicle was 17.6 he did blood tests to confirm & all said that I was in the middle of my cycle. He said I should start my period on fri.5/7 and now it is 5/11 & I am just spotting lightly. He said it is not a result of the Clomid (taken 1st week Feb 2010) But my Partner does not want me to take it again! I am glad we had decided on the couple month break because I really did need it but to honestly think about it we could not have tried even if we had wanted to without a cycle. I have never had this happen b4 Clomid???
  • update;
    we did our 4th IUI May 20th & are now 5 days into our 2ww!
    Baby Blessings!
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